Labels:text | menu | handwriting | parallel | font | number | screenshot | paper OCR: Company Telephone Product OS NOSS File-system File transfer E-mail Network mgmt. Application Winsock 1.1, Dial-up Point-to-point BOOTP supported? Price Keyboard mapping? name number supported supported protocols supported protocols available protocols available services available services available Winsock 2.0 compliant protocols supported? capabilities included? Distinct (408) 366 8938 Distinct NFS Windows, Windows NT, LAN NFS SNMP WinSOCK SLIP, PPP, Nes. No $195 (single Windows for Workplace, Microsoft CSLIP user Workgroups TCP/IP Distinct (408) 366-8933 Distinct TCP/IP Windows, LAN Manager, LANtastic, None N/A SNMP Winsock Yes SLIP, PPO, Nes No $100 (single Runtime Windows for Netware 3.x. NetWare 1.1 CSLIP user Workgroup's 4.X, VINES, DEC Pathworks, Workgroup for Windows, LAN Workplace Distinct (408) 366-6933 Distinct TCP/IP : Windows, LAN Manager, LANtastic, None ftp. thp, SMTP. Winsock Yes $695 (without Software Windows NT, NetWare 3.x. NetWare rcp POP2, POPS veronica, gopher SUP PPP, Yes CSLIP Stoscaption : Development Kit Windows for 4.x. VINES, Windows NT. $945 with (Professional Workgroups Windows for Workgroups, subscription; edition) Workgroup for Windows. LAN Workplace Distinct (408) 366 8933 Distinct TOP AP Wirduws, LAN Manager, LANtastic; : None ftp. titp. SMTP SNMP Winsock Yes SLIP, PPP. Yes $495 (without Software Windows NT. NetWare 3.x. NetWare rcp POP2, POP3 CSLIP subscriptioni: Development Kit Windows for 4.x, Windows NT. $745 with (Standard Workgroups Windows for Workgroups, stoso.ptiert edition) DEC Pathworks, LAN Workplace Distinct. 408) 366 8933 Distinct TCP/IP Windows, LAN Manager, LANtastic, None Rp. tfp. SMTP SNMP N/A Winsock, SLIP, PPP, NYes Yes $295 (without Software Windows NT. NetWare 3.x, NetWare POP2, POP3 11 CSUP subscription ;; Development Kit : Windows for 4.x, VINES, Windows NT, $545 {with (Visual edition) Workgroups Windows for Workgroups; subscriptiony DEC Pathworks, LAN Workplace Distinct (408) 366-8933 Distinct TCP/IP - Windows, LAN Manager, L.ANtastic, None ftp. tftp SMTP SNMP veronica, gopher, Winsock no Yes SUR PPP. . Yes $395 (Single Tools Windows NT, : Netware 3.x, NetWare POP2, POP3 CSUP user Windows for 4.x. VINES, Windows NT, Workgroups Windows for Workgroups. DEC Pathwworks; LAN Workplace Distinct (408) 366 8933 Distinct x/32 Windows, LAN Manager, LAMtastic, Nonie Winsock Yes SLIP. PPP, Ye5 Yes $395 (single for Windows Windows for NetWare 3.x. NetWare 11 CSLIP user) Workgroups 4.x. VINES, DEC Pathworks, Workgroup for Windows, LAN Workplace Eske (416) 675-7777; Tun Plus 8.0 DOS TAN Manager, LANtastic, NFS SMTP SNMP news, gopher, Winsock A.Yes SLIP, PPP. Yes Yes $395 (one PC]; (800) 853-7537 Windows NetWare 3.x, NetWare X modem, POP2 World Wide Web / 1.4 CSUP $225 (20. 4.X, Unix, VINES, Y modem, POP3 browser, e-mail; FCSI: $175 DS/400, VMS Z modem MIME (400 PCS) Quencode European (408) 451-6061 Helios PCShare DOS, AppleShere, NetWare NES SMTP N/A news. archie, Winsock Y No SUP, PPP $660 MikroGraf Windows, 3.x. NetWare 4.x, Unix. POP2. gopher, World 1.1. Windows NT, Windows NT. POP3 Wide Web, e- Winsock Unix mal 2.0 Firefox (408). 467-1000; NOV*IX Elite 2,3, ODS, Nenvare 3.x. NetWare None SMTP N/A news, gopher, Winsock IN/A SAP PPP UN $1,425 for five (800) 230-0090 Windows POP2. World Wide Web : 1.1; concurrent POP3, browser, e-mail Winsock users (10 to 2.0 20 users) Frontier (414) 241-4555; Super NFS Windows N/A NFS V/A N/A NTA N/A Winsock No No NO $195 Technologies (800) 929-3054 1.1 Frontier (614) 241-4555; Super TCP windows NetBIOS, Unix, Windows _None SMTP SNMP news, e mail, Winsock : Yes SUP, PPP, Yes. $295 Technologies (800) 929-3054 for Workgroups X Window POP3 MIME Frontier (414) 241-4555: Super TCP Kernel Windows LAN Manager, LAN None N/A SNMP Winsock !! SUP, PPPP Yes No $95 Technologies (800) 929-3054 Server, LANtastic, 1.1 CSLIP NetBIOS, NetWare 3.x. NetWare 4.x. Unix, VINES Frontier ((414) 241-4555; Super TCP SuRe Windows, LAN Manager, LAN NFS SMTP news, archie, Winsock Yes SUP PPPAUYes Yeslf $595 Technologies (800) 929 3054 Windows for Server. LANtastic, SNMP POP2 veronica, gopher, 1.1. CSLIP Workgroups _NetBIOS, NetWare 3.x, POP3. Word Wide Web NetWare 4.x. Unix, LIME browser. e-mail, VINES, Windows for X Window Work groups: